First Foods...

by - 5:28 PM

So Britt has been eatting for about a month now. We tried him out on Grits on our way to Alabama if you will recall. We really didn't plan to start him out till we got back home or later, but just past 5 months the boy would wait any longer, he was eager to dive into our plates, grab our spoons, and just would be left in the car seat while everyone else ate. So, at my mother's we feed him a little creamed corn. I didn't find out till later that babies aren't suppose to get corn till a year, opps. Not to mention all the butter, salt, sugar, and milk in them, lets say that he really loved it. Then when we went up to Grandmaw Bea's she feed him the juice from beans and some bannana pudding. However, she wouldn't go fast enough for him, and he let her know it. Just like his daddy, the boy has no patience when it comes to food. When we got back home we fed him some rice cerral for a few days and man did he hate that bland stuff after getting good stuff while we were gone. Since then he's tried alot of stuff green beans, carrots, mashed potatoes, peas, and squash for veggies. Then for fruits he's had bannanas, applesauce, and pears. By far green beans and bannanas are his favorites. Though squash runs a close second to the green beans.

Every day I tell him if you'll just crawl today then you can have some apple juice in a sippy cup. However, that's not motivated him so far. He plays with his cup and chews on the spout and holds it up over his head, but I'm not planning to start him on it yet. When he decides to crawl then he can have that with some finger foods for a snack. He's growing so fast!

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