Britt's New Toy...

by - 5:08 PM

So Britt has a new toy, or rather Daddy has a new toy. We got a new car 2 weeks ago, but I have waited about posting this, because I wanted to surprise my parents today, when I arrived with Britt. Needless to say they were surprised.

We really needed a bigger car. In my old 2 door Sunfire it was incredibly difficult to get the car seat in and out, and almost impossible for me to squeeze back there with him when we needed. However, we really thought it was completely out of our reach right now. However, we kept hearing about people getting really good deals not only on new cars from bail-out companies, but used cars too. We decided we would go looking for newer used car, we decided what our maximum price was, and what we wanted. Ok, more like what I wanted because I said no more low to the ground cars, and definitely NO mini-vans.
To our surprise we found the for very little more we could get a brand new Kia Sportage and have a great warranty so Gary started bargaining. Several VERY long days later he had them talked down to our price range, and so I said good bye to my little car. We now have a car payment that we didn't have, but at least our insurance is going to be significantly less. I hated to say good-bye to Beatrice as she has been a great little car, but as I told her the night we parted, she was just too little. This was the car that got me through college and on several road trips to varies Church meetings, seeing Gary, and always carried me back home. She was a gift from my grandparents so that I would have reliable transportation. Just a week later, I found out that she had been sold to a single 19 year old gal (for almost twice what we got for trade in I might add). I hated to see her go, but oh my goodness how much stuff we were able to pack and how much room we had coming up here to Alabama this time!

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