Bible Reading...

by - 10:14 PM

Gary and I started reading the Bible the week before we got married. We started with 1 Proverb and 5 Psalms a night, and after that first month, we started with Genesis and worked our way through a few chapters a night. We were about to start Revelations when the morning sickness kicked in, and we quit reading each night.

First it was morning sickness, and then I was exhausted, and then the baby got here and I learned what exhausted really was. Ha ha! We finally got back to our nightly reading in the last week, and today we finished the Bible.

I am ashamed to say even though I have studied, I had never completely read it all the way through before. I have started reading it several times, and some how Deuteronomy always kills me when I go in order. Every other time I have started reading a big school project or trip or something has always interrupted me. It has been my failure to not make it more of a priority. However, I am so happy to finally have read it all the way through. Gary feels the same way.

We aren't sure if we are going to read it all the way through again, or if we are going to study something in particular. I have been spending a little time each day (during Britt's afternoon nap) studying Esther again. Whatever we chose to study I know that there is lots of learn. Sometimes I feel like I understand parts, and other times I have some light, and then other times (like the entire book of Revelation) I have no clue what's going on. I look forward to learning more and more about Him.

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