20 Days of Thankfulness
So, it's November again, and for those of you who haven't been following along over on Facebook, it's the time of year that everyone begins posting all the things they are thankful for. Rather than doing one a day until Thanksgiving, I opted to just do 20 Days of Thankfulness this year, because today we are heading to Alabama, and who knows how often I'll actually check in while we are gone. This year I'm doing a count down from small things I'm thankful for to the things I'm most grateful for, just to be different, since everyone else is pretty much doing the exact opposite. I've posted these nightly on Facebook, but to recap, and add today's...
Day 1 of my 20 Days of Thankfulness - Food
Tonight, I'm going to start with food. I have never truly been without, and when you stop to consider the plight of so many others in the world, that is really truly amazing. Even when we were out of work, we always had food on the table. Furthermore, we've never had to exist on a tiny portion of rice and beans either, it is rare that we have a meal with no meat. We always have enough left overs for lunch the next day, and have been blessed with so much. Thank you Lord, for an abundance of food. (And especially bacon, and chocolate, and...)
Finally, as the apex to my thankful post, I am eternally grateful for the gift of salvation (no pun intended). I cannot ever adequately express the sweet comfort and peace of Christ's completed work. It has so reassuring to know that He loved us so much that he left nothing to chance. He didn't leave any portion of salvation in our hands, but performed it to the uttermost. He can save the child who dies before birth in the same way as the old man on his death bed. He can save those who have grown up knowing off him from their earliest memories, to those who never heard. He can save those who refuse to live God honoring lives just as easily as those who choose to take up their cross and follow him. There are absolutely no limitations on our God, not how well we behave, or if we believe, or any of that. He did it all, He loves and cares for me in a way I will never fully grasp let alone understand. BUT because of this, I try each day to please him and be worthy of the great blessing he has bestowed on me.
0 random thoughts