Painting the Roses Red

by - 4:32 PM

"Would you tell me, please,” said Alice, a little timidly, “why you are painting those roses?”

Five and Seven said nothing, but looked at Two. Two began, in a low voice, “Why the fact is, you see, Miss, this here ought to have been a red rose tree, and we put a white one in by mistake...”

For the last two weeks we've been painting down at the Church.  The first week, Mom and Amanda did some cutting in for Gary and he painted the hallway, a lighter color over the chair rail and a darker color under the rail.  It only took two days to knock out the hallway, and everyone thought the difference going from that stark grey to the light tans was unbelievable.  I don't know that it is enough of a difference for me, but it does look pretty nice in the evening when there is less daylight to wash out the colors.

This past week, we worked on the sanctuary.  We did the front wall and one side wall on Sunday afternoon.  Then the other two walls and the baptistery on Monday.  Tuesday I did all the baseboards inside the sanctuary, while Gary did the doors.  Wednesday I touched up the trim that was left in the Church and cleaned the windows while Gary rehung the doors and got things ready for Church Wednesday night.  On Thursday Gary did the rest of the doors while I did the trim in the hallway.  We did some clean up on Friday, but took a break over the weekend.

Today, we finished up.  I painted the trim in the baptistery while Gary rolled the sound room.  Then I cut in and did the trim work in there.  It has been an exhausting few weeks.  I've been talking about taking down the wallpaper that is peeling here at the house, and painting, but it might be a little while before we're up for that again.  The important thing is that everyone seemed to be pleased with the end result.

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