Eating Like a Big Girl

by - 9:54 PM

We've been on a bit of a vacation around here. Both of the blogging and the physical variety. It's been a busy month since I last checked in, and hope to update about a few of our happenings. First we had the Fellowship Meeting which was unbelievable blessed. If you weren't here, all I have to say is you missed out on one of the best meetings ever. Then of course we had the Florida Strawberry Festival, which in my opinion is one of the absolute best parts about living in Florida (along with no real winter). Yesterday we just got back from a week in Alabama with my family, which we always enjoy. In between all of that we put some eggs in the bator, planted a garden, and did some spring cleaning.

For now though, I just thought I'd post about a little milestone we reached tonight. We retired the highchair until the next youngin comes along, and bought Ruth a booster seat at Walmart. She was very excited about it, and dinner went well, except for a few minor corrections such as "Stop intentionally dropping cheese in the floor" (toward Ruth), "Get back up in your seat" (toward Britt), "Don't pull the tablecloth out from under your plate" (again to Ruth), and "Don't eat your sister's cheese" (I'm sure you can figure that one out). Britt was pleased to have Ruth sitting next to him at the table too. Except he kept asking who was going to sit in Ruth's brown chair. I explained to him that it use to be his high chair, and then it was Ruth's highchair, and that when we had another baby then it would be their highchair. He said, he wanted a baby (something he's been telling us off and on since we saw my friend's 3 week old and another friend's 7 month old last week). The highchair looked a little lonely sitting there, and I was reminded that we know have a preschooler and a toddler in the house, not a toddler and a baby.

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