Ruth's One Month Check Up

by - 7:16 PM

Ruth had her check up for one month on Monday. She weighed in at 10 lbs, 4 oz, and now measures 21 1/2 inches long. That puts her in the 75-90% for weight and 75% for height. We are happy to report that she is a healthy looking gal. The only other note is that some how the PKU screening that they did in the hospital never was sent off, so they had to redo her heel prick to send those test off. We like her new doctor. She is very young (she looks to be my age), but she was very friendly and knowledgable; for once someone answered all of our questions, without acting like it was an inconvience. She didn't try to pressure us into anything, but just laid out pros and cons on several options that we talked about. She gave us alot of information to think about and was very open with us.

These pictures of Ruth were taken Monday after her appointment with Fuzzy Bear. Fuzzy Bear was a Christmas gift for me at about a year and a half. He was my bedtime buddy, and a well worn friend. He has seen many casualties. Mother had to try to "fix" his nose after Matthew ripped it off when we were suppose to be taking naps. He had a couple of good size holes around his eyes, where the stuffing was coming out, that once again Mother had to fix. When I got married she washed the thing (I had forgotten that he was tan and white, not tan and tan), and he has been hanging out in a chair in the guest bedroom ever since. He's very happy to be out of banishment, even if Britt chews on him from time to time.

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