Prayer Request

by - 1:13 PM

Bonita Varnum, Gary's grandmother, has been doing better. They are not planning any sort of surgery now for her lung, as they have gotten the bleeding under control. They have been visiting the pain doctor every two weeks instead of once a month, and it appears that they may have finally gotten her medications straightened out. She is still having some pain and the side effects of sleepiness, but she is no longer conked out and unable to hold a conversation most of the day. They are continuing to fine tune her meds. However, she had a set back this week. On Wednesday evening as she was headed to bed with the walker, she fell over backwards. They carried her up to Plant City hospital where they determined that she had broken her shoulder. This wasn't the one that she had been having some pain with, so now she is having trouble with both shoulders. They plan to move her today, or tomorrow, into a rehab center there in town for two weeks of therapy. Hopefully that will help, and after those first two weeks they will determine if she's ready to go home, or if she needs to spend more time there.

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