Baby Update

by - 10:24 PM

We received good news all around at our appointment on Thursday afternoon. Baby and I are both healthy and sound/look good. We did discover that our little one really doesn't like the doppler (not all that uncommon we were told). Infact he squirmed so much that he couldn't get a definate heartrate, best guess is lower to mid 160s. At one point, there at the end, he finally kicked the doppler, and moved back to my spine where we couldn't get a clear beat. My OB sat there and said he just kicked me. When I told Gary about it he just laughed and said that's my boy!
We were scheduled for an ultrasound to find out what we are having. It will be August 21 at 3:15 pm. We will be at 18 weeks exactly then. Our final ultrasound will be a 4-D ultrasound on November 18 at 11:15. Very exciting stuff. What's a 4-D Ultrasound you say? My mother asked me the other day what the extra dimention was, and I couldn't tell her either. I found out however. A 3-D ultrasound are the pictures above and below this paragraph. They aren't like the old 2-D black and white photos, because the 3rd dimention is volume, allowing you to not just see the out line of the baby, but their facial features and what they are doing (like kicking, smiling, or sucking their thumb like below, and who they look like. (Gary is hoping for a baby with BIG Cunningham ears). 4-D is the video of the 3-D still photos.
Finally, the best piece of news coming out of the doctor's office was that the baby can't have CF. While Gary and I were on vacation, we received a call from the OB saying that my blood test had come back positive as a carrier of the gene for Cystic Fibrois. I was concerned, because even with all the advances in medicine children with CF rarely live to/past 30, and have lots of health complications. They wanted to test Gary to see if he was a carrier. If so we would have a 1 in 4 chance of the baby having CF. Well, the test results came back and he is not a carrier. We have been praying about this, but chose to not tell more than a couple of people because we didn't want to create unneccisary worry until we knew if it was even a possiblity for the baby to have it. Most of our family and friends have been under alot of stress and different things, and we didn't want to add to it until we knew more. Thankfully we don't have to worry about that now. The Lord has continued to take care of me and our Little One, and for that, and all of your prayers, Gary and I are incredibly grateful.

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