Really Late, New Year's Resolutions
Earlier this week reading over at the Beehive has left me inspired to make a New Year's Resolution or two, after some thought here they are...
1) I am going to get some form of regular exercise at least 3 days a week. I was going to say every day, but who am I kidding here. I use to run cross country, that was pre-Asthma. The doctor has worked on my asthma medicine some, and I am actually good to start excerising and stuff tomorrow (had to let meds kick in and get over bronchitis first). My goal is to get out and do some serious walking (and work back up to running) at least on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Hopefully Tuesday and Thursday too.
2) Blog at least twice a week. I know very few read this, and even fewer are actually interested, but it's good to talk to someone other than the cat during the day. It also keeps my brain cells active, and if you haven't notice, my grammer and spelling could use the extra work out.
3) Secretly wean Gary off of sugar. I'm not sure how doable this is, but at the way the boy is eating (and drinking sweet tea) he'll be dead of a heart attack or some such by 50. I want to make him miserable for a whole lifetime, haha. :)
5 random thoughts