New Year's

by - 4:28 PM

New Year's Eve and Day were alot of fun this year despite being sick. My favorite red-headed sibling flew down on Sunday and stayed until yesterday. He took that picture of us right before we left to go back to the airport yesterday.

For New Year's Eve at Little Union we had church. Brother Buddy preached on two moral issues that sadly won't be an issue in this year's election: abortion and homosexuality. He used many verses to tell us why it was wrong, and how to deal with it. It was an excellent sermon, and he used many scriptures that I wouldn't have thought to go to. Then we had "finger foods." In reality it was the biggest feast ever, with all sorts of fancy fixings. Finally Gary lead singing for about an hour and a half, until just past midnight.

If we had a good time visisting on Monday, we really had a ball on Tuesday. Below are the only two pictures I managed to take. Dad gave Abel a little midgit water gun that would shoot a few feet, maybe two yards, then he brought his high powered supersoaker, with pump action that shoots 50 yards. It was completely unfair. So what did I do. I enlisted the support of pretty much all of the young and not all together wise. The older kids, mostly us girls, filled buckets full of water and hid them by the shed. Then all of the little ones, who had water guns, went and attacked Dad. When he took off after them, they lead him straight to us where we dosed him, multiple times. This went on for sometime. Ultimately pretty much everyone involved was sopping wet. We eventually had to quit so Dad could grill hamburgers for lunch.

After lunch several off us sat around and played cards for a good chunk of the after noon. We played Egyptian War, another slap game, and Bull. Needless to say we had entirely too much fun. Also, as I am not a very convincing bluffer, I pretty much ended up with all the cards. A great time was had by all.

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