3rd Grade
So far I think 3rd grade is not as fun as 2nd grade, because it was easier and funner. I don't like the new way of doing school. Because we have more jobs and we are only watching one show on Netflicks a day.
The parts I do like though are being in GEMS and learning how to sew. GEMS is a club where I get together and learn things, and only girls can go. We got to try to put toothpaste back in the bottle, and it was like when you say something wrong or mean you cant take it back. Sewing Sisters are part of 4H, and we are going to sew our own little skirt. I really want to use my purple sewing machine. They had one just like it but white. I am excited too that we will learn to bake on Fridays with Momma. I'm going to use my new apron and sometimes my Easy Bake Oven. I got some more stuff for it for my birthday. I like baking in my little oven, it is fun. I'm going to paint this year too.
0 random thoughts