Preparing the Garden

by - 12:09 PM

So this morning Gary got out Bro. Chris's tiller, and started plowing up a garden for me. I wanted a fall garden, but it just didn't work out. Gary promised me that he would be sure and get a spring garden in for me. We want corn, okra, tomatoes, squash, and zucchini, watermelon, and maybe spinach and lettuce too. Gary says we have to have some kinds of peas or beans, and since the only kind we both like is green beans, that's what we'll plant. Gary managed to plow up about half of the space today, for the first pass.There's alot of grass there now, so he had to run over the same place two or three times. He was out there fighting with it at times. I'm hoping he'll have some time on Wednesday to finish the first pass on the other half of the garden. He thinks he'll need to make 3 or 4 more passes over the next couple of weeks and then we'll plant beginning of March?

The kids loved Gary plowing. Ruth would try to walk a little ways behind him, and she kept tipping over. The ground just wasn't level enough for her. Britt on the other hand would go to which ever end Gary wasn't at, and he would throw himself in the dirt, wallow, and make "dirt angels". They both needed two baths today. One after the first few hours outside before nap time, and another after their naps when they went back out to play in the fresh, black dirt.

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