I will be back...

by - 1:06 PM

You must forgive me for abandoning you all this month, but in my defense it has been rather crazy as of late. There was the fair, and then I sold some scarves, and then there was Church clean up day on Saturday before our meeting, and then I sold some toboggans, and then I temped for a few days at this little shipping business, and then I sold some slippers, and then there was our big weekend meeting. My time, when I've been home has been filled with trying to get this house clean, laundry done, chicken coop built, talk Gary into letting me have some sheep (I know it's not going to happen), and oh yeah we do have a nine month old. Wheew! Tiring just thinking about it. Well, lunch is going off in the microwave, and Britt is insisting that it isn't fair to not let him blog again this week, and I really need to finish mopping. So I will bid you adiou and promise you a blog from Britt this week.

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