6 Weeks with Britt
My! little one, how you have grown!It is really amazing how our lives have changed in the 6 short weeks since you have arrived. We never sleep, and I feel like at least half of my time is spent feeding you. Even though we constantly feel the need to tell you that the world doesn't revolve around you, my day sure does. The old routines and schedules are out the window, and we are still trying to settle into something that works.
You are such a strong and active little boy. People constantly ask us, "Is he always this alert?" No one believed me when I told them that you were never still, but to watch you streach and kick most of your waking hours, they believe me now. Around one month you had mastered the art of rolling from your back to side. I get such a kick out of watch the gears turn in your head as you lay there just swinging that leg, trying to get over to your stomache. You just haven't quite figured out how to get over your arm yet. You can hold your head all the way up when you are laying on your belly, but sometimes you put it down, and kick and kick and kick until you've inched your way off the blanket. That's some determination there! I have a feeling that you are going to be crawling WAY too soon. Then how am I suppose to keep up with you? It's amazing to me just how much control you have over your head. When I am holding you up against me, you bobble very little now, and turn to look every which-a-way.
While you seem to be so fast at doing things, I was beginning to wonder if you ever were going to "talk" to me when you finally cooed for the first time on Monday. Of course you rarely seem to do it. I'm sure it's because you know that I really badly want you to. You are a little sociable fellow though. Everyone seems to think you are awefully cute to look so much like your daddy, ha! You've been giving us real smiles for a little while now, but today you smiled for the first time in response to me talking to you. I've been trying all morning now for more, but I've just gotten a couple. Once again, I'm sure it's because you know that I really badly want you to. I can't imagine where you've gotten that stubbornness from - not me I'm sure, ha!
At your doctor's appointment last week you had gained almost 2 1/2 lbs from your birth weight and were 2 inches longer. Every day your hair looks more red to me, not just in the sunlight anymore. It's unbelievable to me just how much you've changed and how fast you grow.
Your daddy is still your favorite person. You especially love it when he sings to you. If that doesn't get you quiet when you are fussing he very often goes, "Hey! Britt-Britt! What's all this fuss about?" in a very deep voice and you look at him and calm down at least a little bit. You reckonize his voice imediately and look for him when he comes home for lunch or at the end of the day. The two of you sit in his chair and watch tv or talk most evenings.
Everyday isn't peachy though. There are days where you insist that you cannot be put down, and nights when you cry without ceasing. I'm still no good at getting you to go to sleep or at burping you. Daddy has me beat hands down at that. I often feel frazzeled and in need of a break, but then Daddy comes home and takes you for a while and makes us both happy.
Even in the worst moments I wouldn't trade you for anything (though your daddy was going to take a billion dollars for you, remember that). I love you, little man.
3 random thoughts