
Christmas Elves

The Elves managed to find us in S. Florida this year, and the kids were overjoyed at their return.  This was our third year with the elves.  You can see more pictures in our public facebook album, and feel free to go back and view what the elves...

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Merry Christmas, Abigail

Merry Christmas, Abigail,Today marks 4 months since the last time we held you, since we said hello and goodbye.  I ...

I Will Carry You, All My Life

Abigail, Happy Almost Birthday.  Today is the day that I was secretly hoping would be your birthday.  When we were ...

Survival Not Strength

Every year we hang some very special ornaments.  This year is no exception.  This year we have three new ornaments for ...

Living Life in Color

I stood there looking at the clothes hanging in the closet, and thought today is going to be the day.  I reached out ...

The Paradox

I have come to the gradual realization, that grief and healing aren’t polar opposites.  Neither are joy and sorrow.  ...

I’m Tired of Lying

Yesterday was hard.  It was bitter.  It was our first Sunday to be away from our home Church.  The one Church of all ...


11-1-2015, Capture Your Grief - Day 31, SunsetIn the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Halloween with the kids ...


10-30-2015, Capture Your Grief - Day 30, ReflectionLooking back over the month, I do feel like I have a better handle ...