Lots of exciting new things have happened since I last wrote: I tried to watch Uncle James and Mister slaughter a pig (but Memaw wouldn't let me out of the house), I got a new baby sister (she doesn't do much), and best of all I went to a Tampa Bay Rays game! Mister got tickets for everyone in the family from work, so Sunday afternoon we all went down to the Sundome.
Mister was awesome, he carried me all the way to the stadium and I didn't have to walk ANY! On the way, there was a nice man who was giving free hats to all the kids. I don't normally like hats that much, but I wore this one for about 30 minutes until we got settled in our seats.
The people sitting behind us were very interesting, infact they might have been the most interesting part of the whole day. The guy was eatting raw peanuts. I stood there looking over the edge of the seat and watched him hold them up and break them, and then as he dumped them out of the shell in his lap to eat them, I would slide up and look over from a little higher. After a while, he gave Daddy a few of them for me to eat, but I didn't want them. I just liked watching him crack them open. I watched him for a long time.
You know what else was interesting? They gave us all free cow bells! Lilli and I sat together and rang our cowbells and clapped when everyone clapped. It was loud and exciting! I'm not sure why we were clapping most of the time... though we did clap after they sang a song at the beginning of the game. I know you are suppose to clap after music.
Mister, Me-maw, Aunt Amanda, Aunt Joan, Lilli, Uncle James, Aunt Heather, Daddy, and me all were at the game together. Momma was going to come, but they wouldn't let her. She hated to miss it, after all she likes baseball. She also said she would have liked to have seen all the exciting things I told her about. One final picture before I go, I thought you would like to see me and Lilli practicing our serious faces. Sometimes we have to be serious like Mister.

0 random thoughts