1 Week with Ruth
Today you are one week old, and what a tiring week it has been. At your check up today you were back up in weight to 7 lbs 10 oz. When you were born you weighed 8 lbs even, on Sunday afternoon you weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz, and then on Wednesday at your doctor's appointment you only weighed 7 lbs. The doctor was concerned because you had lost more than 10% of your birth weight and ordered us to immediately carry you back up to the hospital for 48 hours of monitoring and an IV. I was scared to death, I went in expecting a routine check up and it was anything but. Your always calm Daddy was sure that there was nothing wrong because you had just gotten a little bit of a slow start with breast feeding and everything else was good. Many prayers were offered up for you, and thankfully he was right. You have only spent two days out of the hospital since you got here, and we've spent those days at Me-maw and Mister's house, so I can't say that we have any sort of routine or semblance of normal yet.

1 random thoughts