Hanging Out with Mister and Memaw

by - 1:22 PM

After our annual meeting at Little Union (weekend before last), I got to hang out a few extra days with Mister and Memaw. Momma and Daddy went home to do school work and rest, and I got to play fun games with my cousins. One of the best days was Monday. That day we all played in the yard and on the slip and slide. Memaw got this wagon that we can all sit in, and for some silly reason Brystal and Lilli just wanted to pull it around. That was alright with me though, because that meant I didn't have to walk anywhere. I rode in style with Julia. Anyway, Memaw had bought a slip and slide for all of us to play on. I'm not sure why it's called that, I just walked around and played in the water, no one didn't any sliding as there is no big slide like at the park, but it was alot of fun to run in the water with everyone else. They are crazy when the water comes out.

We did alot of other fun things too, like Mister let me go with him to feed the chickens (they are getting so big), and the pig that Uncle James has there right now, and Aunt Amanda's dog. I like all the animals and it's fun to feed them with Mister. I think I like the pig best, I got excited about it and kept pointing to the back yard and snorting whenever I thought about it. Well, I guess that's about all I have for today.

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