Prayer Request

by - 1:45 PM

Much has changed in the two/two and a half weeks we have been gone.

Baby Kent Aday passed away Saturday, June 21st at 4 in the morning. His parents Ken and Aimee are having a hard time, as well as the rest of the Aday/Kitchens klan. Aimee was able to hold him and Ken hold his little hand as he went. They are very grateful for this. Please remember them in your prayers.

Baby Nate Ferrel has had more blood drawn. They are testing his pyruvate and lactic acid levels, and his carnitine levels. They are also sending out some more genetic tests...a chromosome analysis and testing for a disease called mitochondrial myopathy. They will also be doing an MRI. The genetic tests will take another 6-8 weeks to come back again, and they don't know when they will get the results from the MRI back. Continue to remember him in prayer, even though he has improved so much, they still don't know why he continues to breathe funny.

Bro Fred Tucker has also passed away on Wednesday, July 2nd. Aunt Joanna is still at home with her mother and will be for about another week.

Bro Hazen White is back at home. So it appears that he is about back to where he was before he fell and had hip surgery, someone is staying with him at his home. I don't think his mind is as clear as it was, he doesn't seem to remember people like he used to. His hearing and eyesight are not as good as they were 5 or 6 years ago which probably also makes it more difficult for him to recognize and remember people. He will be 98 in September.

Parker Allen was in the crash 18 weeks ago today, and I thank all of you, who continue to pray for him. His arm movements have been improving, and he is very alert. However, he is still unable to speak. Continue to remember him and his family in prayer.

Also, there are many pregnant right now, and I know we would all appreciate your prayers.

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