So after a three day, after work cleaning spree, we had Brother Joe and Sister Elin over. Gary grilled us all steak (hey, if you have company over you have an excuse to live large, haha), Sis. Elin insisted on helping us make salads, I fixed some potatoes, and a fast peach cobbler. Bro. Joe offered a sweet prayer for dinner, and we took our time eating and visiting. We got so caught up that I didn't take but two pictures the whole night, and it was midnight before they headed home.
On another note, since so many have been asking, Brother Buddy is doing well. They plan to let him out of the hospital today. Last weekend Bro. Buddy had some blood blisters in his mouth, and Sunday morning when he got up there was blood in his urine, so he decided he probably needed to go to the hospital. He was in the emergency room all day Sunday, being checked into a room about 4 pm. He had a virus and his blood cells went a little crazy killing platelets along with the virus. Instead of having them normal 150,000 platelets he had 8,000. By the time they got the steriods into his system it was down to 5,000. He has been slowing feeling better over the week, the only bad day he had was Thursday, when they had his medicine messed up. The doctors said on Thursday that he was basically over the virus and that now his platelet count would go up. Best senario it would be a 5 to 7 day thing meaning he would be out Friday, today, or Sunday, worst senario he would be out in 10-14 days which would be between next Wednesday and Saturday. The doctors explained that his platelet counts would just spike all of a sudden and go back to where the should be, and yesterday the did. We are excited because he will be able to preach tomorrow. I'm glad that he's feeling better and I'm sure Sis. Tina and the kids really are.