The Greatest Family Ever

by - 1:05 AM

Some of you who know me know that I was a pain to raise. I was not an easy child, by any means. I was and to some degree am still very hard-headed, stubborn, set in my ways, blah blah blah. All in all these are only good when clinging to the things God gave us, and for the other things, not so good at all. I have not always been a very good daughter, nor have always been so thankful for the wonderful blessing that my family truely is. Therefore I am going to take a few moments to point out a few of the wonderful people in my family.

I have the greatest grandmother ever. I went to her fourth Sunday, and asked if there was anyway that she would have time to help me make an outfit for Ren Faire in a week. I go every year, and because of work and other constraints didn't have time to make an outfit. She said that she wasn't doing anything and that we could go and look for material with my aunt and cousin that afternoon. Several hours later we had the most amazing fabric. Then the next morning I went over and we pinned the pattern down, and cut out all the pieces. That night after work I came back and she had the dress together, all that was left to make was the collar to go on it, and attaching the sleeves. Come to find out she had all kinds of doctor's appointments that week, and the pattern wasn't very clear, but she worked grandmotherly magic and what do you know but when I came back into town she had a perfectly fitted and loverly outfit. She didn't have to do it, but she wanted to because I asked and it made me happy. She really went out of her way, and I love her even more after realizing what an inconvience it must have been.

I also have the greatest dad ever. He took off of work this past Wednesday and Thursday to drive me to North Carolina. I could have gone alone, and found the place and been ok, but he came anyway, because he knew I wanted him to come. He drove (with his back already hurting him) for 11 hours (we ended up in traffic in Knoxville for an hour), and slept on a not so great bed (especially compared to the one at home) without mother to go with me. It let me work on my 300 notecards, and was a calming influence with me being so nervous. We agreed on music and talked about all sorts of stuff on the way there and back. I was almost sad for the trip to end. Even crazier, he's agreed to go to 2 more schools, just this month with me. Isn't that amazing sweet.

I also have the greatest mother ever. She made me chocolate oatmeal drop cookies last night, a whole big container. Just because I like them. She also washed all my laundry last weekend and this one, while I was at work. It was really great because I usually do my own, and I didn't even ask her to do it.

I also have the greatest brother ever. Matthew lives with me and puts up with me enough said. He does most of the housecleaning, though I cook for us every night I'm in town. He always washes and I dry the dishes. He puts up with me studying late into the night on my bed (not even a good three feet from him trying to sleep). He puts up with me hitting the snooze button about 8 times on average every morning. He puts up with me begging to watch just one more episode of Angel at 1 am. He deals with my moodiness and depression, and all and all he is always supportive, uplifting, and funny.

He is also going to be the greatest brother forever, if he will show me how to upload my photos from Ren Faire and North Carolina on here. When he does, I will give you the full story for the events as promised.

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