One of those weeks

by - 8:04 AM

It's just been one of those weeks.  On Monday, I had an appointment to get my eye looked at.  My tear duct may be blocked, but apparently my vision is 20/20.  Then I had an appointment on Tuesday because I had a rash come up over the weekend.  It was really bad for 3 days, barely visible for two, and long gone now.  Apparently, best guess is that it was a measles rash from the MMRV vaccine I got 10 days before.  I didn't want to eat anything on Wednesday, and after naptime I had sprouted my first molar.  And according to Momma, I have been unbearable fussy this week as she has needed to wear me in the Ergo almost all my waking hours.  Maybe, next week will be better.

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