Some Resolution Like Thoughts... (ok, so I made Resolutions, I confess)

by - 9:16 PM

So I've been giving this a bit of thought, and think that some how, for some reason, that we should do something on our little bloggity home to mark the passing away of 2009 and the beginning of 2010.

Does anyone remember how when we were 7 or so that the day passed so slow? I distintly remember this one day in the early summer, when we still lived in our old house. I had been given a journal for Christmas from Grandmother it was purple with little cats all over it, and I had stopped and put it up against the wall to write something down. I asked Mother what time it was, and she told me. And then I put the journal back in my room, and after what seemed like years I asked what time it was again, and not even five minutes had passed. I remember how in grade school weeks dragged as Christmas break approached, and then when it finally did the count down began for when Daddy would be off with us. Then in high school when everyone was looking forward to prom and then of course graduation... those months dragged it couldn't get here fast enough. But somehow time passed faster and faster and faster, until now this year has become a blur.

I mean seriously did someone dump some miracle grow on Britt? He's not suppose to grow this fast is he? He's not much of a baby anymore. Has it really been nearly a year? Last night Gary and I thought back to 3 years ago, the night we got engaged. Then he went wait a minute has it been 3 years, are you sure about that? Yep dearest, it has indeed been 3 super fast years. However it seems to me as the days are swiftly passing by (swift as an indian arrow flies), that maybe for once I should make some resolutions, I mean with no goals how do you get anything accomplished?

~ Journaling, I'm going to start it again for me... even on days I have not too much to say. My writing skills are getting rusty from lack of real use, and besides, Mother got me this BEA-U-TI-FUL green journal just begging to be filled.

~ Lose 30 lbs, this is my big one. 15 of that is still left over from Britt and 15 magically appeared when I went from the college diet of daily raimen to the married diet of oh-so-delicious-oh-so-much-butter-and-wow-look-at-all-that-sugar.

~ Just one more and that would be to recapture Mary and kick Martha out of this house, I am finding that more and more often I am getting caught up in the stresses of daily life and forgetting to really enjoy all the little daily blessings. I need to gather as much from the sermon as possible, and stop wanting to kill my son when he interfers. I need to take a chill pill a little more often. Not that I am cool with the house going to disaster zone or anything, but maybe I worry a little too much about keeping everything in order at the sacrifice of just being crazy and fun, more like I use to be. I want to do more than survive this year, I want to really live it. So look out world, 2010 has arrived!

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