1 Year with Britt

by - 11:45 AM


It's so hard to believe that you've been with us for a whole year as of this exact moment. It seems like just yesterday that we were secretly sneaking up to the hospital to be induced. We barely kept our trip there a secret till noon, but thankfully you had arrived by then. You were the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen, and when they took you to weigh you and stuff, it felt forever until they gave you back to me, to hold all snuggled up. I have had many blessings in my time here - but nothing compares to the wonder of God giving us you, for however much time we are given.

Over the last few nights I have been looking through all the photos and video from the last year, wondering how I could possibly only choose 3 1/2 mins worth. I have wondered where that tiny, completely helpless baby went. This has been such a fast year, and wow, how you have grown. You went from barely being able to inch over in your crib, to rolling, to crawling, to nearly walking. You went from crying, to cooing, to all out babbling. You went from nursing to eating chicken nuggets, crackers, and any fruit around.

You have become a very adventursome, curious, independent little man. I tell your Daddy quiet often that we are going to have to quite calling you baby. You know exactly what you want and will climb or rock any piece of furniture to knock it down. No only deters you when you think I'm watching, and you are determined to figure out how ever remote works and where ever wire goes in our house. You are a boundless fountain of energy and boy do you wear me out! You never tire of playing outside whether it's climbing in and emptying my flowerpots, or just laying on the swing. You are truly a joy who has never meet anyone but friends and who readily laughs at everyone and everything.

We cannot express how much we love you, silly little man, but we like to think you know. Happy 1st Birthday!


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