
6 Years with Kate

 Happy 6th Birthday, Katy-did,You have come such a long way in the last two years since I've written your last birthday letter.  You are still a fiercely independent spirit, with a personality unlike any of the other children.  In so many ways you remain my most unpredictable child,...

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10 Years with Rebecca

 Happy Birthday, Rebecca!Momma again last year didn't get your birthday letter written that makes both year 7 and year ...

12 Years with Ruth

 Ruth,It has been 6 month's since your birthday, and I am just now finding time to sit down and write your letter.  ...

14 Years with Britt

 Britt,How can it be a year since I wrote your birthday letter.  It can't really be time to do this again can it?  You ...

Uncle Benji's Love

 I need to brag on my brother a minute, the kid's Uncle Benji.Our finances have gone from bad to worse since last ...

13 Years with Britt

Britt,Happy Birthday, it is so hard to believe that I have a teenager now.  I asked your Daddy this morning how could ...

One Year with Jon

My boys, it is hard to believe that we have made it all the way to a year with you.  While some of the sleepless ...

One Year with Will

My boys, it is hard to believe that we have made it all the way to a year with you.  While some of the sleepless ...

10 Months with the Twins

 Will and Jon,The two of you are now 10 months old.  My how the time seems to fly.  This past month has seen an ...