
6 Years with Kate

by - 10:49 AM


Happy 6th Birthday, Katy-did,

You have come such a long way in the last two years since I've written your last birthday letter.  You are still a fiercely independent spirit, with a personality unlike any of the other children.  In so many ways you remain my most unpredictable child, and your moods change like the Florida weather.  Yet, you have settled and are firmly out of that toddler - preschool age.

Speaking of which we had a relaxed year of kindergarten this past school year.  You LOVE math blocks and have gotten pretty good at adding up to twenty.  Subtraction is more of a struggle, but you have really taken to math.  You are also intensely trying to learn the calendar, how to read clocks, and figure out how money works.  Reading however, you just don't seem to be quite ready for.  You can write your name, and will frequently attempt to copy letters that you see, but you have trouble with all of their names and know very few of their sounds.  I'm beginning to wonder if you struggle with dyslexia like Britt and Ruth, but it could be that you are still young.  You sit in with us on history and sometimes ask questions that indicate that you are listening.  Since I'm primarily teaching that to Britt and Ruth, I don't expect you to pick up a great deal, but you are learning.  The biggest hit this school year for you has been science.  I found a very hands on early elementary astronomy program.  You and Rebecca have done it together for your science.  You have loved cutting and gluing definitions and other workbook pages, but mostly you have loved painting the planets for your solar system book.  You remember the most random of facts, but the goal at this age isn't much of memorization, but rather exposure to ideas and inspiring curiosity and a love for learning.  As you tell everyone how much you love school, I think we are successfully doing that. You are so excited to get your own school books this next year as a 1st grader, and ask me every so many days, how many more days until you get them.  You often tell me that you want to start with them as soon as I get home from the homeschool convention with them.

You have developed special relationships with each of your siblings.  Britt you frequently beg to sleep with, and him being the sweet older brother and some what push over where you are concerned, often allows it.  You are his devoted acolyte.  Always willing to play anything he wants whether that's Nintendo or nerf wars.  He always makes sure to include you even if it is only pretending.  He often turns the computer players on and tell you that they are you, so that you can play games with him that you really aren't yet able to manage on your own.  Ruth and you struggle at times, she is at a prickly time in growing up, and you can be prickly all on your own.  I see so many similarities between the two of you, it is natural for you too to butt heads more than the others.  Rebecca is still you best friend and play mate.  She is patient with you, even when you are willful and demanding.  She is always willing to play any game that you want.  The two of you have become great fans of playing Battleship together, and she is patient as you work at learning to read the coordinates.  The twins are devoted to you, especially Will, who likes it when you pick him up.  You spend most of your play time with the boys.  They run and chase you, hold your hand and follow you around.  They even calm down sometimes for you when they are mad and pitching a fit at everyone else.  You have gone from that somewhat skeptical child and jealous of them to a great big sister.  You still want to hog my lap sometimes, which they are immensely jealous of, but you are quick to share almost anything with them.  And so when you put your foot down about something, they are most unreasonable.

Our biggest struggle is probably trying to curb your tv time.  In that in between stage not needing super close attention like you did as a baby or toddler, but not yet in full blown school mode you have a lot of free time.  And while you are good to take time to play as well as entertain your little brothers, you also spend too much time on the tv in Momma's opinion.  You get impatient for it and demanding when you've had too much time on it.  That persistence I continue to think will serve you well in life, I just have to learn how to best manage it with you as a child.

In the last few months, you have begun asking me lots of questions about Church and God.  It actually reminds me a little bit of Britt, how at that age he would out of the blue ask a questions that related to the sermon from the Sunday before.  You asked me lots of questions in the week or two since Bro. Chris preached on baptism.  You also ask me questions like why we can't see God and how do we hear Him if He doesn't talk with a voice.  There is so much going on in your mind, and you aren't nearly as transparent as the others where, that I'm often surprised at some of the things you say and think.

You have begun showing some maturity and responsibility that I didn't see out of the others at this age.  You have had a bunny of your very own for around a month now.  You take time every day to spend with Poppy.  You brush him, hold him in your hammock and talk to him several times a day.  You almost never need to be reminded to clean out and fill up their water bowl.  And in general, are so attentive to their needs.

Katherine, you are my red headed child in temperament, even if you only have a few red highlights in your actual hair.  You are a mighty child, carefree as you spin in your dress or ride your scooter.  We adore you.  At first, it was just the joy of having a child again after a loss, you are still our rainbow, but you are also much more.  Your daddy and I love you more than words can say.

Love you,

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