My husband is a redneck...

by - 6:56 PM

It's a fact that I often ignore. I like to pretend that he has some culture. I like to pretend that he's a bit refined, that since he did get some book learning that means he appreciates some of the nicer things in life. However, after today I can no longer pretend that he is anything but a good ol' Southern boy, who has no shame. What happened today you ask?

Yes, ladies and gentleman, that is my husband driving home the riding lawn mower. A lady down the road (a mile down the road, on another road infact) was selling a couple of old riding lawn mowers and we bought one. I think I would have died, but not my husband, he was proud to try it out by going that distance and by helping others out by mowing their lawns. Just look at him.

SO, in other words the front yard and side that it took me 2 hours to mow on Wednesday... ...and the back yard that it took me two and half hours to mow today with our PUSH non-self propelled mower, was kinda pointless. The grass that was 2 ft high because it hadn't been mowed in 2 weeks cause the old mower needed a new part, that I thought I was going to have a heart attack trying to push, could have just waited. Here I was feeling like an eye sore because we were living in a jungle. I told Gary that if I was Bro. Chris and Sis. Renee that I would have Troy cut the yard by now, and tack the fee onto our rent. His reply, "Let's not buy the part to fix the lawn mower, but let's put a car up on blocks instead!" All that hard work on my part was made to look like nothing. Since Gary was able to do the remaining 1/2 or 1/3 of the yard (depending on which one of us is doing the measuring) in an hour.Yeah, so I'm lamenting a little over the fact that I slaved in the yard today and fought with the demon possessed thing that is our push mower. But in truth I can't wait till he teaches me how to use the thing, this is going to make the yard way easier.

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