Happy (Belated) 7 Month Birthday

by - 11:13 AM


I'm sorry this is a little late but this weekend was a whirlwind. You are 7 months old now, and my how the time has flown. Each month I am just as surprised that another month has come and gone, and each month I ask myself where did all that time go.

This month has been a big month for you. You went from a little bit of leapfrogging and rolling to get around to all out crawling and pulling up and cruising a bit. I keep telling you that you are a baby and not big enough or old enough to do these things but you just laugh and keep right on trucking. The first night that you pulled up and grinned at me, it about broke my heart, cause my little man isn't as little as I thought you were. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that you are growing stronger and stronger; but as you grow and become more adventure-some, our cuddly time decrease rapidly. After all, you have so much to discover. Your Daddy on the other hand, is loving this, he can get in the floor with you and you climb all over him, and the two of you are partners in crime when it comes to messing up the house. You two make faces at each other and laugh and laugh at night. I suppose, that makes all the mess worth it.

Your babbling has increased as well. You have added so many different letters that I couldn't count them all, and when you finally started saying "dada" when Daddy was around he just melted. It didn't take you long to figure out that he rushes to scoop you up and play with you when you repeat that enough. As it gets to be time for him to come home in the evening you look at the door and say "dadadada," and during the day I talk to him enough on the phone that you will reach for it and say dada when I stop talking to him. You don't just talked to Daddy though, our conversations have changed to. You now quiet often wait for me to stop talking to insert your own babbling. We take turns talking, and even though I have no clue what you are saying, it's cute.

We had one good scare this month. When I took you to your 6th month appointment last week the doctor about gave me a heart attack going on and on about you not growing enough. You had only gained 4 oz and 3/4 of an inch in 2 1/2 months. So we had to start you on formula, and postpone starting finger foods and meats. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't producing enough to feed you anymore, but at the same time so glad to not have to breast feed anymore. Hopefully you will gain quickly this month so that we won't have to go to the next worrisome step that the Dr talked about. Speaking of food, we have finally found something that you just flat out refuse to eat. You hate the broccoli, carrots, and cheese food, after smelling it though Daddy doesn't blame you. I promised you that you won't have to eat broccoli again, until you can change your own diapers, because that seriously smelled.

You are spending more time, playing with various things now. You really like to turn the pages in your books, and watch much more intently now, when I read to you. We have read The Very Hungry Caterpillar alot lately, and you always point at the Caterpillar, after I point him out. The toy that Uncle Benji gave you has been a really big hit. You chew on it, and dunk on it, and pull up on it, and play with it more than anything else you have. Balls in general are really exciting now, especially your taggie ball with the bells inside.

You have the best personality, and I am continually grateful for that. You are always so happy, and a flirt. You have never met a stranger, and your smile melts everyone around you. I hope you always can find such joy in every situation no matter where you are. That unbound joy and laid back attitude definitely come from your Daddy. You are the best of us both.

I love you,

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