1 Month with the Twins

by - 12:53 PM

Will and Jon,

You are 5 weeks old yesterday, a month old this past Sunday.  With the sleep deprivation it feels like much longer than a month since you two were born.  The early newborn stage is rough, I don't enjoy breastfeeding, and you two have been an extra challenge.  Will, you are rather vigorous with your latch similar to how Britt was.  Jon, you fail to open your mouth enough to make it very comfortable.  You both have a somewhat lazy latch.  Now that you have both grown some it is going better.  On that note, I can't tell you just how much you have grown, since we weren't able to make your doctors appointment this week due to an insurance mix up.  So we won't make it in until a week after you turn 2 months.

I can tell that you are growing though.  You both feel bigger when I hold you, and you are both out of newborn diapers and preemie clothes now.  You are also doing new things every day.  Will, you just rolled over for the first time today, and you smiled at me for the first time on Saturday the day before 1 month.  I was shocked and looked it up again, and sure enough first smiles in response are usually between 4 and 6 weeks, but it maybe between 8 and 12 weeks before you know what you are doing enough to regularly respond with smiles.  Jon, you graced me with a couple of grins while I was talking to you tonight, fussing about babies who are wide eyed at 1:30 am.

It is a relief that we are starting to get closer to a schedule for the two of you.  You are both eating during the day right about every three hours, but you are starting to stretch the feeds at night.  Often at night that looks like Jon waking first and eating for 40 mins or so and then as he finishes up then Will wakes to eat.  Other times especially during the day you wake together, and I feed you both at the same time.  That has taken practice, but the three of us are getting better at it.  It helps to have a big pillow in the bed, or use the nursing pillow on the couch or my desk chair.  I have also figured out that with Jon's brace it is easier to lay him in a cradle position first, and then fit Will kinda on top turned in the same direction.  You two seem to have no complaints with being stacked on top of each other like firewood.  A few times we have even managed that at night nursing while lying down, because I have been so exhausted.  Thankfully at night one or both of you are going 4 to 5 hours between feeds.  It makes a world of difference to feed you somewhere between midnight and 2 and then to not need to feed you again till sometime between 4 and 6.

You are a little more alert during the day now, even though you still prefer to be held.  Sometimes you will lay on the play mat while Britt plays Nintendo.  Other times he and Ruth each hold one of you while watching Pokemon or something else on the tv.  You are both better sleepers in the morning, and seem more content during the day.  About 7:30 or so, you both will begin to fuss and have to continuously feed till we get you down for the night around midnight.  You seem to be discontent with everyone but me at that time.

You are both exhausting, but a real joy.  And my favorite part is still when I get one on one time to snuggle you on my chest and smell your soft hair.  Your daddy and I feel so blessed to have you both.

I love you,

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