So I like to drive these days. On Wednesday nights when we head up to Salem Church in Lake City a couple of the sisters are bad about going to their car, opening the drivers side door, and then popping the trunk. They then go and put away their supper dishes and stand around talking, all while leaving the drivers side door open. While no one pays too much attention, I inevitable try to drive off in their car while Momma and Daddy are standing around talking, or other times I like to get in the passenger seat and ask to ride. The following is some video of while we were waiting for A. Melanie and Maghen at the airport.
Since the weather has been warm, we've started carrying the kids back down to the pool. Britt absolutely loves the "big wa-wa" as he calls it, and asks almost every day to go. He know which are his "swimmy clothes" and will bring them to me, in his attempts to head down to the pool. We don't go anywhere near as often as Britt likes (all day, everyday). After all, I don't enjoy even slightly cold water, and for some reason Britt thinks he can only swim with me. Britt jumps to me from the side of the pool, and then he kicks and sometimes "does his arms". Ruth mostly sits on the ledge, splashes, watches Britt, and laughs. Sometimes she ventures out in the water with Daddy.
2:44 PM
No random thoughts
My 26th birthday was 2 weeks ago today. And for my birthday, Gary really spoiled me. We left the kids with his parents and had an afternoon and evening child free for the first time in who knows how long. It was a most welcome break. First we went and had lunch at Olive Garden, and then Gary surprised me by letting me pick out two dresses from the dress barn, one for my birthday and one for Mother's Day.
After that we went over to Tip to Toe, where I got a pedicure, and we sat around talking to Ms. Connie the lady who runs it and who's daughter graduated with Gary. After that we swung by Payless for me to find a new pair of white Church shoes. The heel broke off of the really nice pair I had, and I was sad to see them go, but I found a super comfortable, if not all that dress pair for REALLY cheap so that was great.
The ultimate surprise was getting to go and see the Tampa Bay Ray's play, and they beat the Boston Orioles 2 to 0. One of their young new pitchers, pitched the entire game and allowed a few hits, but played great! After the game they allowed people to walk through the outfield. You could enter by the dugouts and then exit through centerfield. Gary and I had just been talking about how in the Rays outfield the warning track wasn't all that great, because it wasn't dirt, just the Astroturf changes color. Well we got to walk around on it, and I even took off my flip flops. It was kind of scratchy, not like grass, but it was really spongy. I couldn't get over how weird it felt. The warning track though in addition to being red wasn't spongy at all. I stood as close as I could get to right field, and thought man this is a huge area to cover. Then we stood out in center field, and looked back to home plate, and wow! I knew that the field was really big, and that it was bigger than a high school or little league field, but WOW! The field the stands it was all so enormous. It was the best part of the night, getting to stand out in the middle of center field on the star.
After the game, and 4 wrong turns by Gary we eventually made it back over to Brandon where we picked up a burger for a really late supper, and headed over to hang out with Amanda and a few of her and Gary's friends from way back. We sat around and visited until well past my birthday. At last it was time to call it a night and meander back to Mom and Dad's, but it was the BEST birthday ever.
10:11 AM
No random thoughts
I've had this video of Ruth crawling back on April 22nd, just sitting on the hard-drive waiting for me to load it. It was the second or third day that she crawl. (She seriously started the day after my parents left from down here. I told them if they hadn't held her so much then they could have seen her crawl.) I thought I would get a little video of what all she's doing now to compare. The second crawling video was from last Saturday May 21st. Last Friday she started climbing the steps and attempting to cruise. Yesterday, Gary managed to catch her climbing the stairs on video. It's so hard to believe how quickly she is progressing from one thing to another.
11:37 AM
1 random thoughts
My most favorite kind of music though is gween gwass. (Momma calls it bluegrass, but then she corrects me every time that I say grass is blue, so I decided this morning that it was green grass.) And of course, my most favorite gween gwass musician is Allison Krauss and Union Station. In fact, I have recently started watching it 2 or 3 times a day. Sometimes it's my background music, and you better not think you can change the channel because I'm not paying attention. Other times I hold my "racket" and play right along with them.
Anyway, since I have not asked Momma to load any video of me lately I thought you might like to see my wonderful playing abilities. The first song, is my favorite it's by the ben-jo player, even though he doesn't play ben-jo he plays tar-tar on this song. The second song is Momma's favorite and its about a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn. She says I must be learning from Isaac because I have just as many expressions as he does when he plays ben-jo.
10:42 AM
1 random thoughts
We spent Easter weekend down with Gary's family. The day before we dyed eggs with the kiddos. No easy feat since three of them are between 22 and 30 months. Let's just say by the time we were done it was just Joan, Heather and me dying eggs for the kiddos. We had a great time though.
On Sunday, we were at Little Union and at the end of services we had a couple ask for a home at the Church. After lunch they were baptized, and then we headed over to Gary's great uncle's house, where the entire Varnum family gets together. They get together twice a year for Easter and for Christmas Eve, and there is always a ton of food and visiting. We didn't get to visit near as much as we liked since we were at Church until after 3, but then again like most family get togethers, we never seem to have enough time to visit.
Britt did a pretty good job with hunting eggs last year, as long as we helped point out where they were. This time after Gary got him started he didn't need any help finding the eggs. Occasionally he would need a little direction. He had no trouble finding the eggs on the ground, but the ones up higher sometimes he needed a hint. He was still young enough, that his focus was on the eggs he was hunting not the eggs in his basket. Gary took his eggs out two or three times to re-hide. I really think he could have hunted eggs till dark.
Ruth didn't hunt for eggs, but she did sit around and talk with everyone. She would watch a conversation, and look oh so serious before she would launch into her own opinion on the topic. Aunt Joanna loved on her for the longest time, and I was quite content to take a break from her. All in all, we had a wonderful day.
9:08 AM
No random thoughts
11:22 AM
No random thoughts
It is so hard to believe that you have been with us for 9 months. I feel like I say this every time I sit down and write your monthly post, but it remains true. The time seems to pass all too quickly with you.
In the last two weeks you have gone from a slow little army crawler, to an efficient real crawler, to attempting to pull up on everything. You seem to have gone from not so mobile to frighteningly fast and trying to keep up with you with us to be in the middle of everything.
This month has marked another big milestone for us. You started waking up in the night again and wanting to eat. I had been concerned that you weren't nursing enough, and it confirmed to me that you needed more to eat. So we have swapped you over to formula for every meal except breakfast.
Your personality continues to be cheery and content. If Britt takes away your toy you just head off to find a new one. He shows his love for you in the most rough and tumble way sometimes and you rarely cry but grin and laugh at his silly antics. This may not continue as you two grow older, but I would like to hope that you treasure each other as close siblings rather than evil arch enemies.
Your smile and laugh are endearing, and I often hang out with you in the bed a little too long since you are a sunny, cuddly girl. Your Daddy and I love you so very much, and we hope you never forget that.
6:19 PM
1 random thoughts