My favorite animal books...

by - 6:55 PM

Today I am 13 months old, so Momma tells me, but for some reason you get a party for 12 months old, but not 13. Bummer I liked getting to party. However, Momma spent some special time with me this morning. We read "The Hungry Hungry Catapiller" about 5 times. I never get tired of him turning into a butterfly and flying away at the end of the story it's so funny! Then we read "The Big Red Barn" twice. I like that book alot, it's got lots of pages to turn, and it's got lots of animals on every page. Momma always tells me the animal names as I point to them. I like to pretend I'm going to point at one, and then move my finger really fast to another one, and make her change in the middle of a word. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm so funny. Then we read "Moo, Baa, LaLaLa" more times than Momma can count. I'm trying to learn how to make the animal sounds. I sometimes make a Moo-ish sound for the cow, and I'm getting good a quacking when we get to the duck. Momma is trying to teach me Baa, but I just buzz at her, that's way more fun, who cares about sheep anyway. Today we went out to feed the chickens, and man they got huge over the weekend, they have big combs and waddles now, and Momma said the chickens go "cluck" and when I clucked at them they all came over to investigate. That got me tickled. Well, I'm hungry and it's time for supper so that's all for today!

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