Potty Training

by - 8:56 PM

This week we have once again started potty training with Rebecca.  We tried it back at the end of spring, but didn't really have any luck.  This week though Daddy decided we were going to try again.  Mostly because we were down to 5 pull ups, and he didn't want to buy more. haha.  Monday and Tuesday were terrible with no success, but on Wednesday we only had one accident.  Thursday was been a mixed bag, but then today, at the library, she actually told me that she needed to go to the bathroom.  That was a very nice change.  So maybe she's getting the idea.

Our biggest problem is that this child is fiercely independent.  It's incredibly difficult to do things she doesn't want to do, and stopping her day to go to the bathroom, is one of those things that she really doesn't want to do.  As a result, we've spent alot of time singing on the frog potty.  Enjoy.

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