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So many things to tell you all. I am terribly sorry for the long break in post, but it may continue for a bit longer. I did make it through finals with 2 As and a B. I am busy working away on my stuff for my summer class to Scotland.
As for wedding plans, I have all but a few of the invitations out, and most of my thank you cards. I'm a bit frustrated with my dress people. The bridesmaid dresses arrived a few weeks ago, and they were lower in the back than they told us they would be. My cousin's Maid of Honor dress is coming along, and Gary's three sisters' dresses have been carried down to Florida so they are working on getting them altered down there. I just have one more bridesmaid to take care of up here and then that will be done. My dress however is not going so well. I have an appointment on Friday at 1:45, to check what she has let out in the bust, and to pin up the hem line. HOPEFULLY it will be done in two weeks when I get back from Scotland, so I can carry it down to Florida with me. Nothing like being last minute, huh? I finally have my headpiece to go with my veil so that is a relief, found a very nice, simple one that looks like me for $27.
Weekend before last Gary and I drove a moving truck down with pretty much everything I own. Mother was giving me EVERYTHING she could get out of the house. She even sent my cradle with me. haha. Gary didn't want to put it in, but I made him, after all Granddaddy made it, and mother was threatening to carry it to the dump. We pretty much have the apartment set up, though I still have a few boxes left to unpack.
I got home late last night, and have a few things to do around here before our annual meeting at Crossroads starts Friday night. I'm very excited about it Elder Ernie Stump, and Elder Kenneth Watts are our guest ministers. Then Elder David Guttery and Elder Herman Clark and Chris Hollinsworth have promised to come as well. I'm very excited.
Then of course on Monday night we are driving down to B'ham. We have to be at the airport on Tuesday morning at 4 am, to fly out. I am getting so excited about this trip! We are flying from B'ham to Atlanta, then from there on to New York, where we have an 11 hour lay-over. Since it is so long, they are giving us a free tour of New York in that time, I am so excited. We will probably see Ground Zero, Lady Liberty, Broadway, the Empire State building. Then it is an overnight flight to Glascow. We will be there about 9 am their time, so we will start touring almost immediately. Mother gave me a beautiful journal for my birthday to carry with me, and I have about 40 batteries for my camera. :)
When I get back, I have a week to get all of my assignments in, then I will be off to Singing School, then I will leave there for Florida, and spend a week there until the wedding, then Gary has off almost two weeks for our honeymoon. Then fourth weekend we will have our annual meeting at Little Union. After that it's only two or three weeks until school starts back, if I can land a teaching position in the area. Busy, busy but that's life right?
I promise more pictures next post, back States side. :)
4 random thoughts